Saturday, January 22, 2011

Questions and Answers

Confusion. It’s not something I like. It’s often there, but I can never make sense of it. I don’t know why, in fact I’m confused about that. I don’t think I will ever know why I don’t know why I won’t know why I don’t know why I can never make sense of my confusion.

Perhaps there’s simply too much of it? Nullifying the confusion would be great. That nagging voice…

Why this? Why that? Why anything? I ask these questions endlessly and the response is always the same: I don’t know.

If I knew, I wouldn’t have to ask, but then what’s the fun in that? Life would be un-interesting, drab even. All questions would be answered, leaving no questions; and without questions there are no answers. Ergo, if all questions are answered, then there are no answers.

Does that make any sense? Not really. It’s confusing at the very least. My questions have answers, I’m sure of that, albeit, the answers are forbidden, unable to be told.

I can’t help but ask, why are they unable to be told? Why are they forbidden? It’s an endless confusing loop; if it even is a loop.

I can’t have the answers, but always have the questions. Maybe the answers lay within the questions? Can I ask a question to a question?


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