Monday, January 24, 2011

The Humble and the Creator

A good friend of mine, a fellow blogger and writer alike, is very adept at the art of writing. She writes like she has done it for years on end, a decade or two even, yet she is but two decades of age. I, the Humble, am thoroughly impressed, and look to her work for inspiration. She, the Creator of this work, sees it in a manner contradictory to I. A number of writings have had the Creator to define her work as “stupid” or “suckish”. Anyone who reads it would wager otherwise; would argue its eloquence and splendor. It is this inexplicable opposition that I question. The Creator consistently debases the caliber of her work as the Humble maintains its grandeur. The Creator then declares my work to be of greater caliber than her work, and I, now the Creator, consistently debase the caliber of my own work as she, now the Humble, maintains its grandeur. Why? We are brought back to square one. External endorsement plus internal insult equals zero benefit. Both the Creator and the Humble are left dissatisfied, knowing as their compliments fell upon deaf ears. Now, suppose this Creator is humble…

The Humble Creator adulated by the Humble Being has created an equality expressed through inequality.

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