Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Sometime back in the summer of 2010, I was at work. Given that where I work is outdoors, which I love, and overlooks a large horse pasture, I get fantastic views of weather phenomena. This was a powerful thunderstorm that passed by and I couldn't resist taking a couple pictures.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Double Rainbow

Where I work, the retail floor is wide open to the outdoors and I get awesome views of weather phenomena and such. Last Saturday I got to see a double rainbow! It started as one, but became two and disappeared spontaneously. The second one is more faint, and can only be seen on the right as loosely defined color. What is peculiar is that the colors on the outside rainbow are reversed. They are not ROYGBIV, but VIBGYOR. YouTube and Google images further confirm this... See for yourself!


I've had a cleaner shrimp in my 200g aquarium for about 6 months. I see it maybe once a month, and that's pushing it. This morning, it was out ready to clean the denizens of the tank. The eel (Fimbriated Moray (Gymnothorax fimbriatus)), which I've had for four and a half years, was what received most of the attention. I never managed to get a shot of the shrimp actually inside the mouth of the eel, just some good shots of the eel.

 Notice the shrimp's antennae in the hole...

Washington Oaks State Park II

Went to Washington Oaks State Park a couple weeks ago with a friend and took some more awesome pictures... Also included at the bottom are a couple pictures I took while meandering through the woods...

Photo credit: Breanna Brown

 Photo credit: Breanna Brown

Poison Ivy